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We have recently partnered with Amazon.com to bring you the following selection of books.  You can purchase any of these books by clicking on the title or picture of the book you are interested in.
Adoption Wisdom by Marlou Russell, Ph.D. Vignettes that combine theory and personal experiences to demonstrate issues and feelings of adoption. For anyone touched by adoption.
The Adoption Option Complete Handbook 2000-2001 by Christine Adamac. A wealth of information about the adoption process and available resources for prospective parents.
How to Adopt Internationally, 2001-2001 by Jean Nelson-Erichsen, L.S.W.  The "nuts and bolts" of international adoption and collection and explanation of various forms and required procedures for prospective parents.  Also an overview of specific countries. 
Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft by Mary Hopkins-Best. An informative book about factors and circumstances that influence development. Good information about behavior management and techniques to encourage attachment.
Talking with Young Children About Adoption by Mary Watkins, Ph.D. and Susan Fisher, M.D. For parents of children ages two to ten.

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