National Adoption Information
Clearinghouse-a service of the Children's Bureau.
Read featured articles
from a favorite magazine and subscribe on line.
Large selection of
adoption and adoption related books.
Large selection of
adoption and adoption related books-usually less expensive.
Russian adoption related
general information--good links.
Eastern European
Adoption Coalition. Go to table of contents and find medical/
resources for a list of Doctors who evaluate videos of adoptable
children. Not agency specific.
Families with Children
From China. Information and links to other sites. Not agency specific.
China Centre of Adoption
Affairs- current updates and form requirements.
Joint Council
on International Children Services - legislative updates and
country specific information.
Health and medical
Passport applications
to download (may require downloading Adobe Acrobat).
Adoption rules and
laws by country.
Forms, fees to submit
and where to file forms locally.
List serve for parents
adopting from Vietnam.
Compendium of list